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Japanese Green Tea Shops
Our products are shipped worldwide directly from our shop in Japan, therefore any taxes (Sales tax, Consumption tax, etc.) imposed by the Japanese Administration have already been paid by us prior to the shipment of your parcel. This does NOT include any VAT/GST, Customs fees or any other import/delivery fees imposed by your country.
A Value-Added Tax (VAT), also known in some countries as a Goods and Services Tax (GST), is a type of tax that is assessed incrementally, based on the increase in value of a product or service at each stage of production or distribution. VAT/GST is usually implemented as a destination-based tax, where the tax rate is based on the location of the consumer and applied to the sales price.
We have no control over import regulations in your country. We pack and label parcels in accordance with Japan Postal laws and regulations. It is the responsibility of the customer to pay any VAT/GST, Customs fees or any other fees which your country my impose.
If you live in a country that happens to impose VAT/GST, Customs fees or any other import/delivery fees on any of our products, you may have to pay them upon receipt of your order. (This applies mostly to our European customers). PLEASE CHECK IMPORT LAWS FOR YOUR COUNTRY BEFORE PLACING AN ORDER IN OUR SHOP.
If you do not accept delivery of a parcel for any reason (example: did not want to pay VAT/GST, Customs fees or any other import/delivery fees, we will not accept the returned parcel and a refund for shipping fees and returned products will not be possible.
Our parcels are delivered internationally by "Japan Post". We have no control over the policies of Japan Post, and no control of delivery times. We provide our shipping services "as is", and once we drop parcels at the Japanese Post Office it is impossible to cancel orders or expedite delivery.
It is the "purchaser's" responsibility to check import laws on our products and clear shipments held by local custom offices. We can not provide any assistance for parcels held in customs in your country.
If "Customs" in your country rejects your parcel due to import restrictions and returns your parcel to us, we will not inform you (unless there was an error on our part) and will not issue a refund for the shipping fees or products that you ordered. Due to quality control we can not restock returned products. Returned parcels rejected by customs in your country will be destroyed.